kajsa wingerup


 travel Photography


major photo projects


we were girls together: a zine

These images of Linnea tell the story of my perspective of sisterhood when I visited her for a week in Paris. The photos go alongside an interview I conducted with Linnea about her perspective of sisterhood, growing up together, and her current life in Paris. We went through girlhood together which created an irrevocable bond between us. Now we are navigating a new adult friendship.

Stripped down

The purpose of Stripped Down is to emphasize the natural and classical beauty of the human body, and to highlight the rawness, realness and inherent beauty that each and every one of us have. I wanted this project to be an ode to classical sculptures and paintings, to push myself out of my comfort zone to create something classically and timelessly beautiful.

magic waits patiently

This body of work follows a story of magic and whimsy. Inspired by fairytales and Nordic folktales, it follows an adventure exploring beautiful untouched nature around the world overflowing with magic. It’s a tale of finding myself, exploring new terrain, and appreciating the hidden magic that patiently awaits me around every corner.

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